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A neat post which unfortunately concedes far too much to the pseudo-science of alleged man-made climate change.

“If we were to stop emissions of CO2, the concentration in the atmosphere would gradually return to the levels seen before the industrial revolution. The earth would get colder …”. This is misguided. Firstly, the world is not going to stop emissions of CO2 in the foreseeable future, certainly not the majority non-Western countries who are building huge numbers of cheap, efficient coal-fired power stations. Secondly, even if we did there is no proof that it would cause the world to get colder.

It has long been obvious to me that the so-called consensus on “climate change” is a hoax which was hatched decades ago for the Malthusian purpose of bringing about the collapse of Western industrialised civilisations. The pointless unilateral pursuit of Net Zero by the Lab/Con/Lib Uniparty in the UK when the non-Western world is not taking a blind bit of notice is the easiest giveaway that “climate change” is more than just a hoax, it is a long-planned deadly assault on the people, on a par with the deadly Covid “plandemic”.

It’s difficult to say if the useful idiots like Ed Miliband even realise this. My default assumption is that they do and that they are inveterate liars. My fall-back assumption is that they are simply out of their minds. My recent debunking of the climate change hoax, including the above “the earth would get colder” assertion is here: https://metatron.substack.com/p/debunking-the-climate-change-hoax.

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